CBT-I Reduces Insomnia and Improves Sleep Quality During Pregnancy
Insomnia and sleep problems are common in pregnancy. A recent study examined the efficacy of CBT-I in pregnancy. A randomized controlled trial evaluated CBT-I (n = 32) compared to a treatment as usual waitlist delivered via telehealth (n = 32) among pregnant individuals experiencing insomnia. Measures included insomnia symptom severity (primary outcome) as well as sleep parameters measured by sleep diary and actigraphy were assessed pretreatment at 12–28 weeks gestation, 1-week posttreatment, and 6 months postpartum. The results showed that CBT-I was associated with a decrease in insomnia symptoms and improved sleep quality across time compared to treatment as usual. These findings indicate that CBT-I delivered in pregnancy can reduce symptoms of insomnia and improve sleep quality.